Fore Thinking

The European organization, together with a team composed of companies from several countries, including Forethinking, has finished the consultation phase to define rules for sustainability reporting for listed and unlisted companies.

Bari, May 31 Forethinking, a research and development accelerator for innovation in sustainability, participated in the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (Efrag) working group to identify Esg reporting principles for SMEs. Efrag launched a public consultation, which ended May 21, to develop two draft documents on sustainability reporting standards for listed SMEs (to come into effect by delegated act in January 2026) and voluntary regulatory standards for unlisted SMEs.

Specifically, Forethinking joined the consultation group that commented on voluntary sustainability reporting for small and medium-sized companies whose stocks are not listed on the stock exchange. Within the working group, Forethinking created the “RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS PANEL: ESRS and Sustainable Innovation”, which was joined by 7 companies interested in testing the first sustainability reports based on the concepts being developed within the Efrag Working Group. “We want to be a spokesperson for a paradigm shift in the way we understand corporate sustainability,” Durante concludes, “We need a science-based approach so that it is no longer possible to write the report but then not be an active part of real innovation aimed at creating products with an increasingly lower environmental impact.

The presentation of the results and Sustainability Reports of the companies participating in the first Panel in collaboration with the Department of Economics and Innovation of the University of Bari at Confindustria Bari is scheduled for June 14.

<< To attend the event, you can register here>>

As of today, however, it is possible to apply to join the “RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS PANEL: ESRS and Sustainable Innovation Edition 2_2024” panel, which will bring 7 more companies to produce their own sustainability report by September 2024.

Learn more and register

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